Spone Collection

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Become the richest
in the galaxy
In a distant galaxy, a new value is Spones. Improve your ship, find new planets and collect as many Spones as possible!
Start Collecting
What we do


Attracting users to our project. We have created a game that will help you understand the philosophy of our future token.


Development of our future token based on TON Blockchain. Testing and preparation for launch.


Negotiations with exchanges. Integrating the infrastructure into the application. And the long-awaited Airdrop.


Spone is the value of a distant galaxy that acts as a medium of exchange. It is mined by competing companies on different planets. Your goal in the game is to increase Spone production by upgrading your ship and finding new planets with Spone deposits.

The purpose of this application is to attract active users and create a community of people who are passionate about the same idea and share our values and philosophy. And of course, just have fun!

Our global goal is to create our own smart contract based on the TON blockchain and list our token on the stock exchange. This goal is not close and a lot depends on you! Play, join and support our team!

Some coins will be distributed among active participants of our application in a proportion that depends on the collection of Spones per hour. Detailed and more precise conditions will be published later.

In the Shop section you can buy Spones for Telegram Stars. Thus, you can dramatically increase the collection of Spones per hour and the number of your coins in a future Airdrop. For our team this will be great support and motivation to make our product even better! We also decided that part of these funds will be used to ensure the liquidity of our future coin. So, buy Spones, increase your collection, get more coins in the Airdrop, support us and increase the value of the future coin!

Subscribe to our telegram channel - Spone Collection Channel. Play the game and invite your friends! You can also support our team and increase the liquidity of the future coin by purchasing Spones in the Shop section (in the application). More details in the section What is the Shop for?

Listing on an exchange requires a combination of many factors. A large number of active loyal users. Creating your own smart contract. Interest from exchanges. And ensuring the liquidity of our coin. We can achieve all this only with your help! Play, distribute the game and listing will be just around the corner!